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Hey everyone! Gah it's been a while since I've posted anything... All I can say is that I'm extremely busy with my college studies.
However, that doesn't mean that I'm done making videos. As a matter of fact, I've managed time to complete my third music video project entitled "Showstopper"
Just about a month ago, I found out about AJ Rafael's music video contest and I decided to participate and create my own music video of one of AJ's songs. So I contacted my friend, Rodney Balmes, who is an outstanding music artist with hardcore talent, and I told him about it. He was really excited to get started on the project.
The video production lasted for a good two weeks. I would say this, by far, is the best video I've ever done. In terms of the setting, the atmosphere, the new and improved shots (panning, camera angles, even a homemade steady cam, lighting equipment), and with the help of fellow friends, I can say with confidence that this is my best so far. I even assembled a film crew to handle the specific needs to film this music video, such as lighting and providing a steady cam device to stabilize and smoothen moving shots. EJ and Michael who volunteered to be part of my filming crew were such a great help!
Two days before the deadline of AJ's music video contest, out of nowhere, a whole day's worth of overcast clouds and rain from Tropical Storm Ida had spread throughout central Florida. At first, I thought.... oh crap... But then I thought, "Hmm, why don't we use this storm to our advantage. So one night we went out to Uptown Altamonte, a beautiful location, and the light rain was PERFECT for a night date scene.
Overall, I'm glad to know that I've accomplished a great music video! Hopefully I get great results from the contest!
Here's some pictures from our video shoot! Props to Michael Neubrander for these awesome pics!