S.A.L.T. from Justin Niere on Vimeo.
Hey everyone! I'm pleased to present to you the official promotional video for S.A.L.T. Check it out!
S.A.L.T. (Service and Love Together) is a corporate worship service led out by young people every quarter focused around revival. After revival we provide outlets to exercise their faith and help catch the momentum of the revival by providing as many different ministries as we can for all youth to plug into.
The young people here in central Florida are in fire for God and they are actively reaching out to other young people in the community, sharing their relationship with God and encouraging them to start or rekindle their own relationship with God as well as joining in and becoming a part of the movement of spreading the gospel to others.
I'm especially blessed to lead out the S.A.L.T. film ministry. Basically our role is to utilize the modern media technology to spread the gospel to the world by producing creative, inspirational, faith-based short films. I'm so excited to get started in working with my ministry team on that, so expect to see new faith-based shorts very soon!
Connect with S.A.L.T. Visit their Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/serviceandlovetogether